Dra. Codina’s Services



The services offered by Dra. Àngels Codina arise from the combination of academic Medical training with Ontomedicine. (1). See additional information sheet.…


1- The basic services of a conventional medical General Practitioner.

2- Nutrition and Dietetics.

3- Psychotherapy:

Using my own techniques: Mind self-control (Psy Control); Conscious breathing (Ki Breathing); Introspective self-perception etc, together with other innovative techniques  such as EMDR (2); Family Constellations (3); EFT (4)

(With this combination of tools, health problems such as psychological trauma and Post-traumatic Stress can be dealt with, as well as anxiety, depression and associated symptoms such as insomnia, stress etc. This can be, depending on the case in question, with or without pharmaceutical treatment.).

Special section: Training in Psychological assistance in catastrophes.

4- Ontomedical bioenergetic techniques: Strengthening of the general psychophysical balance.

Specific application to Perinatal Health: Preparation of mother and baby during pregnancy and for birth.

PEDAGOGICAL SERVICES: (See “Courses” section)

1- Courses of introspective training for the Expansion of the Conscience:

Education of the Self pdf

Self-Re-Cognition Aimed at different groups and areas:

a)health, b)education, c)social and d) business

2- Vibrational Medicine/ Ontomedicine

3- Dietetics and Nutrition

4-Introduction to Family Constellations and Subtle Perception

Additional Information Sheet.


Integral Health: Education and Prevention.

We accompany you from the Perinatal phase through to the last moments, throughout the whole Vital Process.

(1) ONTOMEDICINE: A therapeutic method fruit of Dra. Àngels Codina’s personal clinical investigation, from the beginning of the 90s, into the relationship: Body-Mind-Human Energy Field and the Conscience regarding the  state of Health  (Integrates knowledge on medicine, psychology, philosophy and modern physics).

Integral and Integrated medicine in which the patient, rather than the illness, is treated in a personalized way. The person is in the centre of the system and assumes responsibility for their life and health in an active role, training them with various techniques – relevant to their particular case – with the aim of re-educating the altered parameters be they physical, emotional and/or psychical, but always from the concept of Unity. (They comprise of tools of practical usage aimed mainly at personal self-management, for example: healthy habits in general, self-management of stress and of vital conflicts and/or assumption/resolution of the illness itself or the particular vital process).

Beyond the curing aspect, the focus is mainly on Prevention, where, therefore, particular importance is given to Health Pedagogy.

To sum up, in the Ontomedical approach, there is a need for more frequent sessions, however, this leads to unquestionable benefits:

1- An increase in therapeutic efficiency.

2- A reduction in pharmacological costs.

3- A reduction in the cost of complementary tests.

4- A strengthening of the patient’s personality, rendering them less susceptible to illness and/or stronger to face the illness depending on the case.

Ontomedicine, has been presented in:

The International Forum of Cultures 2004-Barcelona; Andorran Science Society (2005-Andorra); Barcelona Medical Association (2007); “2nd International Congress on Traumatic Stress and Psychological Trauma” (Mexico City D.F.-2008); Academy of Medical Sciences in l’Alt Urgell (2011)(Lérida-Spain).“3rd Iberoamerican Congress of EMDR- Costa Rica” Oct.Nov.2013; Hospital Ntra. Sra. de Meritxell, for Health Service Staff (SAAS -Servicio Andorrano de Atención Sanitaria) (2013).

(2) EMDR: (Eyes Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). A psychotherapeutic method developed by Dra. Francine Shapiro (researcher in Mental Health Institute in Palo Alto – California-USA) in 1987 and introduced to Andorra by Dra. A. Codina in 2005 and presented in 2007 in a clinical session in the Mental Health Department in the Hospital Ntra. Sra. de Meritxell. At present it is the chosen method for the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) and for psychological Trauma. (in 2011 it was declared by the authorities as a “method based on scientific evidence”). Since 2013, recommended by the WHO as the chosen treatment for PTS.

(3) FAMILY CONSTALLATIONS: Psychotherapeutic method developed by Bert Hellinger in the 80s in Germany. Introduced to Andorra in 1999 by  Dra. A Codina together with Sra. Carmen Codina (pioneer in this therapy) and presented by the latter in 2003 in a clinical session in the Mental Health Dept in the hospital Ntra. Sra. de Meritxell and in 2010 in a public conference organised by the Andorran Society for Sciences (SAC). A systemic therapy which works on the information in the unconscious of the family system and its relation to the patient’s problem, be it physical, emotional or psychic.

(4) EFT: (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Developed by Gray Craig in 1991 in USA. Based on TFT (Thought Field Therapy) by Dr. Roger Callahan.  EFT is a technique for energetic psychology which is very useful for freeing emotional discomfort.